There has been a lot of talk about vibration plates for some time now and many people swear by them. Despite the limited amount of research on vibration plates, there is plenty of anecdotal evidence to suggest that these machines are beneficial. However, keep in mind that they are not magic bullets that can cure all your problems. Here are the top benefits you can expect from vibration machines. However, we will also discuss the downsides, with plenty of science to back up our claims.
Vibration Plates Benefits
Now let’s look at the benefits of vibration machines. As we look at the reasons why a lot of physical therapists recommend vibration plate exercises to their clients, let’s see what they are.
Faster muscle toning
As you are toning your muscles, the 30 to 50 vibrations per second contract your muscles more than they normally would, resulting in faster toning. However, it is one thing to be completely still on the vibration plates and another to actually exercise on them. It is believed that the more challenging your muscular condition, the more benefit you will be able to gain from the vibration machine.
However, if you are having mobility issues or health problems, even this machine-induced muscle contraction will help you. There is no doubt that vibration plates will help you stay in shape and reduce your functional limitations. This means you will be able to get out of your chair quicker, walk for longer periods, or climb stairs more easily. Consequently, these actions will increase the tone of your muscles. As a result, the spiral of advantages continues to grow.
Faster fat loss
In some studies, it has been shown that vibration plates mimic the effects of exercise on the body, so you will lose weight more quickly. That’s true for male rats, but there is more vibration on these plates. According to the studies that the scientists who designed these machines conducted, vibrations help the liver function more efficiently, making them comparable to treadmills. As a result, your liver will be able to metabolize fat more quickly instead of storing it, which will result in you losing weight more quickly. However, your liver won’t be able to metabolize all that extra fat and glucose if you don’t eat clean and in moderation.
Accelerated metabolism
You will lose more weight by burning through those fat stores and toning. As a result of your muscles, you lose weight quickly. This is due to an increased metabolic rate. People with lean muscles burn through fat stores faster than those with a lot of fat. As a result, your basal metabolic rate will remain high even when you are at rest.
However, remember what we talked about before? If you want to see quick results, you should incorporate the vibration plate into your workout routine and avoid unhealthy foods.
Stress relief
You’ll lower your stress, and your fast-paced metabolism doesn’t just make you look healthy, but it makes you feel good as well. In fact, if your metabolism is slow, you will suffer from many endocrine problems, such as thyroid problems, sleep difficulties, skin problems, and so forth. For instance, a slow metabolism can affect thyroid function, sleep patterns, skin problems, and so on.
When you are not exercising, your slow metabolism can cause you to feel tired, cranky, and get zits. Feel calm and centered with a vibration plate to relieve the symptoms of these conditions. Even if your metabolism is fine and you still feel stressed, sleeping on vibration plates will still help. This is because exercise releases serotonin, endorphins, and dopamine. These happy hormones will make your brain feel great.
Increased bone density
As a result, you’ll increase your bone density. Bone density is a major issue once you turn 30 years old. Weight-bearing exercises such as walking and strength training have been proven to prevent your bones from becoming brittle. Vibration plates have been studied to have the same effect. You just have to invest 30 minutes in this.
You will see a one percent increase in your bone density over the next six months if you exercise three times a week for six months. Now that may not seem like much, but just take the following facts into consideration: Bone density is normally lost at a rate of 3 percent before the age of 50 and 12 percent after that. That’s about one percent every decade.
Improved balance and flexibility
Depending on your current age, a one percent increase in bone density means that your bones will be rejuvenated within one to three years of your current age. The results are that you will become more flexible as your muscles, bones, and brain will be stronger.
All of these things work together to improve your balance and flexibility. Thus, you will be able to sit up straighter, walk more bend and twist to get what you need, and so on. Having these things makes your life easier since otherwise, you’d have to spend a lot of time doing all these things. But there’s another advantage: you’ll feel better because you’ll be achieving more, and that’ll only push you to do better.
Improved blood circulation
Whenever your muscles vibrate, you’ll improve blood circulation. You can keep your circulatory system healthy by improving blood flow. If you already have poor circulation, you know how cold your hands and feet are, how swollen your lymph nodes are, and how crampy you feel. We all know that poor blood circulation makes you more likely to get a chronic heart condition. So vibration plates can make your blood flow better, regardless of whether you’re already having problems. You’ll be able to avoid or at least alleviate some serious health problems that way.
Healthy-looking skin
In addition to improving the appearance of your skin, you’re also improving the circulation of your blood as a result of the vibration plate. By doing this, you’re toning your muscles, improving your blood circulation, and reducing your stress levels. By doing so, you help your body detoxify more quickly, so it looks smoother and has stronger muscles. Keep your skin firm, and there’s another thing. An accelerated metabolism increases collagen production, which in turn helps keep your skin firm.
You’ve probably heard of collagen from all the advertisements for skin lotions and creams. Fortunately for you, your body adjusts collagen production based on your needs, so you don’t have cellulite or wrinkles.
Faster muscles recovery
In general, your muscles will recover faster after doing strenuous routines such as strength training, hitting, and weightlifting. You’re well aware of the importance of recovery days, depending on the amount of work you’ve done. There will be a minimum of 48-72 hours before you can exercise this body again, but wouldn’t it be nice if you didn’t have to wait so long before you could exercise it again?
Since vibration plates improve circulation and feel like a relaxing massage on your sore muscles, they can help you reduce recovery times. After a challenging workout, you can use yours to get back on the horse faster by using it after a tough workout.
Pain relief
If you have a chronic condition or are recuperating from surgery, vibration plates can help reduce that pain. However, you should consult your doctor first, since vibration plates can worsen some disorders, such as spinal pain. As we’ve discussed, vibration plates are fantastic for treating sciatica, cramps, and arthritis.
Now that we’ve discussed all the benefits, let’s take a look at the possible downsides as well.
Vibration plates risks
The research around power plates isn’t extremely comprehensive, but there hasn’t been any concern about the health risks associated with vibration plates from the medical community. However, there are certain things you should be aware of when using power plates.
Consult your doctor
When you use a vibration plate without your doctor’s consent, you may aggravate a particular condition that you are dealing with. For example, if you are a post-operative patient or have spinal nerve damage, it can hurt to use a vibration machine, and if you have vertigo or are pregnant, it can hurt you as well.
Follow safety standards
Despite the fact that there is no proof that vibration plates can trigger labor, they can aggravate nausea. You should follow safety standards, and consider the weight or posture limitations imposed by the manufacturer so that you don’t break the machine. Also, consider whether it gets too hot after a certain period because overheating leads to permanent damage. Regardless of how effective your vibration plate is, it may not be as effective as you would like. Remember that research is limited, and most of it is done on mice. Human studies have demonstrated promising effects, but vibration machines are not a panacea.
In conclusion, vibration plates have been proven to work, at least in some cases. This is as long as you combine them with healthy eating, some level of exercise, and a lot of patience to see improvements. Among the benefits of these treatments are the reduction of pain, the improvement of functional limitations, and the acceleration of blood circulation. You can even use a vibration machine to help you lose weight or stay fit.
In general, if you have a vibration machine, you will be able to improve your overall health and reduce pain. Vibration plates have many benefits for your entire body. However, your body does not expect them to work miracles for you. This is why it’s important to remain objective when dealing with these products. Much of what they say is simply marketing guff.
There is no doubt that machines are excellent tools when it comes to increasing muscle tone and becoming healthier, but your part shouldn’t be neglected.
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